Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy Haunting

Isn't this just the most frightfully fun time of year? All the little ghosts and ghouls are out and about. The smells of carved pumpkins wafting through the air. Is that a witch flying through the air? This is also the time of year that the scary old house at the edge of town takes on a whole new aura of creepiness. You just KNOW there are ghosts in there making strange noises and waiting to scare all passers by. It's the house where NO ONE would dare trick or treat. Even the full moon seems a little scared.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


Hello All! After a recent trip out to Pennsylvania I felt creative juices really start to flow. There were so many traditional items that inspired me to get painting again. So, here is the first piece, the Distelfink.

For those of you who are unfamiliar the Pennsylvania Dutch (actually Deutch or German) people have a tradition of painting hex signs, commonly found at the peaks of barns in Pennsylvania and the surrounding area. These circular hex signs have much mystery surrounding them. What I have learned is that they are considered "painted prayers," asking God for the blessing of protection for home and farm, good fortune, abundance and prosperity or inviting guests to be welcome.
A distelfink is a stylized goldfinch often used in Pennsylvania Dutch folk art represents happiness and good fortune and are a common theme in hex signs. I have followed the traditions and kept to primary colors on these pieces.
I'll post more pieces as they are finished. As always, I am open to suggestions for new pieces so let those suggestions flow.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

I know he has nothing to do with needlepoint but I just couldn't resist showing off my boy. This is Cabot my 2 year old Standard Poodle. Isn't he a cutie? We decided to take a cruise up the river before the 4th of July boat traffic got crazy. Yes, he is sitting with his butt in the passenger seat! So, we took a ride up the Shrewsbury River toward Sandy Hook Bay. There is a pod of bottle nose dolphins that have taken up residence in the river. Keep in mind this is New Jersey, not exactly a hotbed of dolphin activity! They come up and down the river daily feeding on Bunker as the tide comes in. They have even made the news a few times and have federal protection now.

I'm not sure if they can be seen in this shot, the dolphin (about 3 of them) had surfaced right in front of that boat. I took this shot with my cell phone so it's not the greatest quality. Cabot sat on the boat and watched as the adults surfaced and the 2 calves did the flipper leap and dive from the water. Marine experts have come from as far as Massachusetts and North Carolina to help get the pod back out to open water. So cross your fingers for my very smart finny friends.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I Pledge Allegience...

This beautiful hand painted canvas was inspired by the Pennsylvania Dutch tradition of Hex signs used for luck or protection. Shown here finished, it was designed for the protection of the United States of America following the events of 9-11. The various elements of the design each have a meaning:
Red – Courage
White – Purity
Blue – Wisdom
Silver – Fidelity
5 pointed star – Good luck
Second star –
Circle - Eternity

Sunday, May 25, 2008

I'm looking for suggestions...

Hi. I'm looking for suggestions for a background stitch for Eric the Red. This is a Susan Porta canvas that came with a stitch guide but the Pave stitch they recommend just wasn't doing it for me. I've been looking thru the books for something open and light...but nothing is rocking my world. Eric is fairly small, he'll probably turn out to be an ornament on my Christmas tree. I was toying with the idea of something diamond shaped with a small bead in the middle, but I wasn't sure if that would take away from my main man. Does anyone have any ideas?

Friday, May 16, 2008

Captain McDreamy...

Since we've met Maude and the kids it's only right that we introduce everyone to Rod, the object of her affection. Rod's not one to be tied down by convention however. He's a free sprit who loves to take off in his Cessna and fly the friendly skies. He likes to tell the ladies he's Captain McDreamy and with that head of hair who would argue?

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

It's a Happy Mother's Day for Maude and her brood. The kids seem so happy just hanging out with their Mommy.

This was inspired by a late night visit I had not long ago. We had dubbed our visiting raccoon Maude because she seemed so independent. We didn't see her for a while and wondered what happened to her. Then, one night I heard a noise on the deck. I flipped on the outside lights I found out why Maude had been missing in action. 3 tiny striped tails waddled their way off the deck and across the back yard back into the woods. She was busy becoming a mother. You have to love nature. :-)

So, Happy Mother's Day to all you Mommies out there!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Call me Dolly Levy...

You can call me Dolly Levy...matchmaker to the crabs. Claude (we decided by majority to name red crab Claude) said he was lonely and needed a friend. So, here's Chessie (another suggested name). Who knows, maybe they'll hit it off and have little baby crabs soon. :-)

Monday, May 5, 2008

I can't wait for summer....

Maybe it's because things are so nice and green now, or maybe it's just that I hate wearing shoes. I just can't wait to wear shorts, tee shirts and flip-flops again. Speaking of flip-flops how about this canvas? I did it small, 8x8, but I think maybe it should be bigger, the question is how much bigger?

Thursday, April 24, 2008

I need a name...

Poor crabby has no name, can you help? I'm looking for suggestions to name our little guy. The top 3 suggestions will go up on the site for a vote. Please help him.

First thought...Claude, or maybe it should be Clawed?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Meet Freddy...

It's a new day and time to introduce a new friend. Meet Freddy.

Freddy is the coolest flamingo in the flock. He's a Virgo, he enjoys long walks through the marsh, sushi; especially shrimp which he catches himself, and the movies (The Bird Cage is his favorite).

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Since I am in Sanibel Island, Florida on vacation I thought I should post the canvas I did of our lighthouse. The island lighthouse really looks like a cross between an oil rig and a water tower. It's funky so it fits the island style.

Monday, April 7, 2008

First time...

OK so this is my first time blogging so I'm asking your indulgence. I'm a fairly new designer and I've been encouraged to get some pictures out there of the pieces I've done so here goes. This is Olivia. I painted her on on 18 mesh Zweigert mono canvas and she is 9x9 inches.