Saturday, December 11, 2010

We're official!

I just wanted to let everyone know that Barefoot Needlepoint Designs is official now...we have a website! I finally admitted it was time to take the next step and join the 21st century. So now we have a website that is up and running although parts are still under construction. The web address is:

Please come and check us out. New pages are being added almost every day as are images of the canvases, and retailers who carry them.

Also, we will be adding a page to spotlight your work. I would love the opportunity to showcase pieces that you all have stitched. Let's face it so much time, effort and love goes into every piece we work on and I think everyone needs to be recognized for the beautiful work they do. Frankly, I love to see what your vision for the piece is, what stitches you used, the threads and the finishing. So if you are willing to share with us we would like to share it with the world and put your name up in lights. Well, maybe not lights put I promise to use a really pretty font. :-)

If you have any questions, suggestions or just want to say hi come by the site and check it out. You can email me at

I look forward to seeing your pictures soon. In the mean time keep stitching!


Here comes Santa Claus...

If two heads are better than one imagine how great three must be. How about our trio of Santa Claus? Not only is he bearing toys in that pack on his back but he even has candy canes for the good boys and girls on his list. You know, if you look deep in that bag I am sure you will find needlepoint canvases, threads, needles and a nice scroll frame, everything the well behaved stitcher could possibly have on their Christmas wish list.
Here's wishing one and all a very happy and healthy holiday. Ho Ho Ho! Happy stitching to one and all!

Friday, November 12, 2010


I realize I'm a little early here but forgive me. I've been gone a little while. In the last couple of months I've had surgery to repair multiple tears to the ligaments in my my writing, drawing and painting hand. After 6 weeks in a long arm cast and 4 more in a splint I'm finally getting back to the business of painting. Yay!
So now here I am, full of ideas trying to get them onto paper and canvas.
Additionally, I've begun building a website. It's slow going since I am technologically challenged but it's there, all 5 pages of it. When you check it out, please keep in mind it's a work in progress but also please, please, please let me know what you think. As always I look forward to your feedback and suggestions. The web address is
Have an amazing holiday where ever you are.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Call of the Wild

I created this to honor all my friends who hear the call of the wild each September and answer it. You are the ones who provide the solid foundation of future generations. Teachers.

Anyone who has ever taught school can appreciate that "it's a jungle out there" and jungles by their very nature are filled with wild things. Things we try to teach and tame. It is a labor of love, a calling. Not everyone can do it. But for those who can and do, there is no greater reward.

So everyone think back to your favorite teacher; the one who really impacted your life, and thank him or her.

Monday, August 16, 2010


I'm sailing away
Set an open course for the Virgin Sea
'Cause I've got to be free
Free to face the life that's ahead of me
On board, I'm the captain
So climb aboard
We'll search for tomorrow on every shore
And I'll try, oh Lord, I'll try to carry on

Everyone needs to get away once in awhile, why not sail off into the sunset? I'm ready to head out myself. A nice jaunt down the river should do the trick. So who's in??

Monday, August 9, 2010

Ahhhh luxury....

Ahhh the luxury of a bubble bath in a deep ball and claw tub. No mud for this pretty piggy. She will stick with a blanket of thick bubbles thank you very much. Add a glass of champagne, Dom Perignon of course, and you have the ultimate in relaxation. Does it get better than this? Not if you ask this happy piggy. The only thing missing are her aroma therapy candles and a massage from that handsome, muscular pig from across the yard.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Take me away...

Sometimes there are days when you feel like you need to get away from it all. Today was one of those days. It was such a long day and when I came home I painted this...wishing all the while that I was laying on a tropical beach. I could see myself there; umbrealla drink in my hand and the sun on my face. Maybe there's a nice breeze blowing and rustling the palms. Well, maybe I can't be on a tropical beach, at least not until school is over for the summer. But, I can pretend. Anyone care to join me? Oh, I almost forgot, this is painted on Zweigert Mono 14 canvas and is 9x8 inches.
By the way, I'm working on a website that hopefully will be fully loaded soon so keep an eye out for us at

Friday, May 21, 2010

The one that didn't get away...

My brother Steve loves to fish. He's bought all the best equipment. He has poles, reels and lures galore. He has a library filled with fishing books, each one claiming to have "the secret" to landing that perfect catch. Each time Steve heads out with his rod and tackle box he's sure he's going to catch a monster. "I'll bring home something good for dinner" is his usual good bye.

Unfortunately, Steve never catches anything. For all his efforts he would probably do just as well to hang a tiny dinner bell from his line to call all fish in the vicinity to come and eat. Perhaps a sign (written in perfect fish-ese) inviting them to the "All You Can Eat Buffet" would do the trick.

This sunny fish, dare I call him Sunfish Steve? was born out of my brother's recent fishing expedition.

Sunfish Steve is painted on Zweigert Mono 14 mesh canvas and measures a whopping 9x7. Come on, it's bigger than anything he's caught! Since he was inspired while in Sanibel he carries that name but we all know the oceans are everywhere so his monicar could be anything you want.

By the way, Steve did finally catch a fish. I rolled up this canvas and tossed it across the room to him. He caught it!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Best seat in the house

Sometimes the best seat in the house isn't in the house at all. Sometimes, like this time, it's outside on a sandy beach looking out over crystal clear waters. The name of the beach changes...maybe it's Captiva, maybe it's 7 mile beach in Grand Cayman, wherever it is, it's perfection.
This piece is 6x6 inches painted on Zweigert mono 14 mesh canvas. It fits perfectly in the 6x6 opening of a frame and looked great in a Sudbury box. No matter the finishing it's a nice little reminder of a tropical paradise.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

I saw a starfish...

I saw a starfish on the ground. He was half buried in the sand. Just so out of place and ahh. He was a long, long way from home.

I saw a starfish on the ground. Oh, he was still buried in the sand. Now he's not so all alone. And he's finally going home. So I smiled and I shook his hands....and we were singin'
Na na na na na na na Na na na na na na

This funky starfish is handpainted on Zweigert 14 count mono canvas. The image size is 9x9. inches

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Siren's song...

See what happens when you have a blizzard and sit in the kitchen listening to reggae? You are magically transported to the warm waters of the Caribbean where mermaids frolic in crystal blue water and sing songs to lure poor seamen to their doom. Our girl is more interested in gazing at her own reflection than singing for the passing ships. As always she is hand painted on Zweigert 14 count mono canvas. If you listen closely you might hear her hum of satisfaction...

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Wild things...

Recently I was asked to create an animal print for a client. Here is the lepoard print I came up with. I am pleased with how it came out, enough so that I'm thinking about doing other prints. What prints does anyone suggest? I was thinking zebra and giraffe. Thoughts?